The customer deserves to receive exactly what we have promised to produce  (Philip B. Crosby)

Samec Srl is located in the municipality of Albinea, in the province of Reggio Emilia, where it has a large plant for the production of electric motors.

The history of the company began in 1975 as a manufacturer of small centrifugal electric pumps and, over time, continued to update and improve constantly until its production was also extended to single-phase and three-phase electric motors. Today, electric pumps are no longer built, but only marketed: the focal point of the activity instead concerns the design and construction of electric motors.

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Our milestones

Samec was founded by Vittorio Paterlini together with his brother Nereo and 2 other partners. The company has as its object the production of small electric pumps for domestic use. These pumps are built under license from SICEM, a company of which the founder Paterlini Vittorio owns a significant share.

Samec supports the production of electric pumps with the assembly for third parties of parts of electric motors.

Beginning of the construction of its range of electric motors, specializing in the construction of motors intended mainly for sectors that use high pressure pumps. Start of the marketing of pumps.

Transfer of the company to the Albinea headquarters. Abandonment of the assembly of parts of electric motors on behalf of third parties.

Beginning of the process of expanding the sale of its products abroad.

Beginning of partnership with NEXT, a startup operating in the transmission components sector.

Our vision

Our evolution and market demands see us projected towards the optimization of products for your application.

"Each customer has his own suit not just his size", this is what we believe in to make your machine more competitive and optimized, we want to allow you to create the detail that makes the difference ".

And this is how today we make ourselves appreciated by our customers for experience, service, and flexibility and a small but highly qualified professional network.

We believe that knowing how to listen is the first foundation for achieving customer satisfaction.

We leverage the small, which does not mean less, but more precise, closer, more flexible.

Our experiences allow us to have a good knowledge of the problems and solutions,

minimizing the use of the only thing that every company must optimize because it cannot be increased: time.

We believe in Made in Italy

We produce entirely in Italy and our partner suppliers are Italian.

Our Mission

To allow our customers in Italy and abroad to have a product with the best combination of quality - service - cost.


Over 40 years of experience at your service


Products of absolute quality made in Italy


Customized production also on drawing


Mission & Vision

Qualified support to solve any problem

Our testing tools

Data acquisition of electrical quantities in the testing room

Fine testing instrumentation

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